20''x14.5'' giclee print
Almost overnight patriotic American citizens were turned upon by their friends neighbors and fellow countrymen. An entire sect of loyal American society had been reduced to a derogatory three letter word. Mirrored in the face of this boy is bewilderment as he will soon be taken from the place he has known his entire life.
"Herd 'em up, pack 'em off and give them the inside room of the badlands. Let 'em be pinched, hurt, hungry and dead up against it." - Henry McLemore, San Francisco Examiner, Jan 29, 1942.
"Japanese-Americans may be no more Japanese than a German-American is German...All of these people, including the Japanese-Americans, have men who are fighting today for the preservation of the democratic way of life and the ideas around which our nation was built." - Eleanor Roosevelt