Small Black and Pink Pin by Bella Kim
Small Black and Pink Pin by Bella Kim

Small Black and Pink Pin by Bella Kim

  • Bella Kim
$35.00 $0.00 /
Only 1 in stock
Available for pickup
In stock at 550 Winslow Way E | Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 550 Winslow Way E

Small Black and Pink Pin by Bella Kim

Available for pickup

550 Winslow Way E

Usually ready in 24 hours

550 Winslow Way E
Bainbridge Island WA 98110
United States

Art or fashion? Seattle artist Bella Kim combines both with these handmade wire and fabric broaches. 


From the Artist:

Every day, I see a lot of plastic package materials that are destined to get trashed.  However, to my eyes, they look beautiful and unique in colors and textures, so I reuse them with other leftover fabrics and stuff that I have kept in my storage to transform into many meaningful artworks.

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