Vote! Postcard by Nikki McClure
Vote! Postcard by Nikki McClure

Vote! Postcard by Nikki McClure

  • buyolympia
$1.50 $0.00 /
Only 2 in stock
Available for pickup
In stock at 550 Winslow Way E | Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 550 Winslow Way E

Vote! Postcard by Nikki McClure

Available for pickup

550 Winslow Way E

Usually ready in 24 hours

550 Winslow Way E
Bainbridge Island WA 98110
United States

Nikki McClure creates complex, yet natural designs by cutting away from a single piece of black construction paper with an x-acto knife.

The process is delicate and time-consuming, and the end result is something to treasure.

We've produced a wonderful line of postcards featuring Nikki's images; a great way to send thoughts to both loved ones and elected officials. 

The cards are printed on a thick one-side-coated stock that helps protect the art in transit, and the backside is uncoated and perfect for writing.

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