Wonky Spheres - Tiny - Nautilus - By Olander Earthworks
Wonky Spheres - Tiny - Nautilus - By Olander Earthworks

Wonky Spheres - Tiny - Nautilus - By Olander Earthworks

  • Olander Earthworks
$28.00 $0.00 /
Only 1 in stock
Available for pickup
In stock at 550 Winslow Way E | Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 550 Winslow Way E

Wonky Spheres - Tiny - Nautilus - By Olander Earthworks

Available for pickup

550 Winslow Way E

Usually ready in 24 hours

550 Winslow Way E
Bainbridge Island WA 98110
United States

This elegant Sand Wonk design mirrors the magical spiral of a much-beloved shell pattern. Gracefully spin, roll and press this pattern to create intricate epicenters and flowing fern-like growth motifs. Enjoy this beautiful fusion of art, math and nature.

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